Abeer medical group presents token to Tamer Healthcare

Honouring a remarkable 25 years of invaluable partnership and shared achievements, Mr. Alungal Muhammad, the esteemed President of Abeer Medical Group, presented a memento as a token of appreciation to Tamer Healthcare. This esteemed recognition was in acknowledgment of the enduring collaboration and mutual growth achieved over the past 25 years. The recipients of this honor from Tamer Healthcare included CEO, Dr. Yasser Khattab, along with Dr. Mahmoud Enabah, Eng. Abdul Rahman Al Hassan, Mr. Mohammed Shehab, and Mr. Harb Mohammed Olayan, each of whom has played a pivotal role in fostering this collaborative success.

The ceremony, which symbolized the deep-rooted respect and mutual admiration between the two organizations, also saw the presence of key figures from Abeer Medical Group. Among them were Dr. Ahmed Alungal, Mr. Jabir Valiyakath, Mr. Abdul Gafoor Alungal, and Mr. Praveen Dayama. Their attendance underscored the collective effort and dedication that have been the hallmark of this partnership.

The exchange of the memento served as a symbolic gesture of the unwavering bond and the shared journey of excellence that Abeer Medical Group and Tamer Healthcare have embarked upon, setting a benchmark for partnership in the healthcare sector.